Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog #7 - Abolish Grading

Of course I am for abolishing the grading system. I am one of those people that does not test well and that is why I hesitated for years to go back to college. There are the people that are very intelligent, but give them a test or a short time frame to complete something, and they freeze up or fall apart because of the pressure. Grades should not apply because everyone has something different to contribute. This actually applies to any area of work, school, and life situations.
For instance, you have two police officers on the force. One, who is buff , in shape, and could out run and catch a criminal, but dumber than a door nail. The other officer is a little heavier and not in shape, but knows the law, knows how to handle a dangerous situation, and is aware and alert of surroundings. One officer passed the academy because of his physical endurance and the other one passed because of his knowledge and skills to handle the public. Together they would make a good team because they both have something different to contribute.
Students are the same way. We are all different in how we learn and test. Kids today are not learning because the government has enforced the TAKS test. Teachers are under the pressure to have their students pass this test for fear of low test scores, which is a reflection of their knowledge as a professional educator and could lose their job. They are so busy teaching this government test, that they do not get to teach the actual subject. So in my opinion, the students are bored and not learning the importance of the subject. Bring fun back into the classroom!

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