Sunday, May 8, 2011

Blog #9 - School Bullies

My project was on school bullies. Bullying is a serious matter, but in my blog #10, I took a funny side on how to handle bullies with the bodyguard and the crazy eyes. These are some attempts that can be made to ward off the enemy, but unfortunately, these solutions do not work on all bullies, like it did in the movies.
I think at one time we have all had to deal with a bully. I myself did when I was in the fifth grade. I was the new kid in class and she would pick on me in different ways. One of them was to offer me candy and then take it away while she and her followers laughed. When I shrugged my shoulders and showed that it did not bother me, she got mad and tried to shove the candy in my mouth. I still would not eat the candy. I would just stare at her with no emotion. I handled her with an "I don't care attitude", so my bulling did not last long because she got bored with the lack of response and me not showing fear.
As a parent, I had to deal with my son being bullied. We took the required steps that the school wanted us to follow, but the bulling continued till momma stepped in. No, I did not handle it myself...I taught my son how to handle the bully. Was it the right way? I think so. Would other parents or school staff agree? Probably not. But it worked and he was left alone!
As scary as it was for him, the first step was to address the bully and ask why. The second step was to give a warning that if he did not stop, he would suffer the consequences, and the third step was to take action. The bully did not heed his warnings, so it was taken to the third step; which was to make sure no teachers were around, that there was not a crowd of kids as witnesses, to make one good solid punch to the stomach to knock the breath out of him, and walk away. If my son got caught, he understood that he would have to accept the schools punishment. He was lucky. He did not get caught and the bully never bothered him again.
My solution to school bullies is that the parents need to be more involved with their kids. Don't rely on the school to handle your kids problem. Involve the school but also be there to support your kid and listen to their fears. Parents need to teach the different steps on how to handle a bully without teaching them to go in with guns blaring.
As you can see, my bully backed down when I showed no interest or fear, and my sons bully backed down after a physical confrontation. As with everything in life, each problem has a solution, but it comes in different forms.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog #8

1 Car broke down
2 Root canal
3 Frig conked out
4 Windows leaking when it rains
5 No show babysitter
6 Hair turning gray
7 House needed paint
8 Holes in sons sneakers
9 Could not send child to public school
10 People are unemployed

1 Bumped head sledding
2 Had a brain tumor
3 Surgery right away
4 Poor grades
5 Grouchy teachers
6 Dateless weekends
7 Friends sister arrested for drugs
8 Boy shoot himself
9 Car full of seniors die in car crash
10 Best friend died in her sleep

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog #7 - Abolish Grading

Of course I am for abolishing the grading system. I am one of those people that does not test well and that is why I hesitated for years to go back to college. There are the people that are very intelligent, but give them a test or a short time frame to complete something, and they freeze up or fall apart because of the pressure. Grades should not apply because everyone has something different to contribute. This actually applies to any area of work, school, and life situations.
For instance, you have two police officers on the force. One, who is buff , in shape, and could out run and catch a criminal, but dumber than a door nail. The other officer is a little heavier and not in shape, but knows the law, knows how to handle a dangerous situation, and is aware and alert of surroundings. One officer passed the academy because of his physical endurance and the other one passed because of his knowledge and skills to handle the public. Together they would make a good team because they both have something different to contribute.
Students are the same way. We are all different in how we learn and test. Kids today are not learning because the government has enforced the TAKS test. Teachers are under the pressure to have their students pass this test for fear of low test scores, which is a reflection of their knowledge as a professional educator and could lose their job. They are so busy teaching this government test, that they do not get to teach the actual subject. So in my opinion, the students are bored and not learning the importance of the subject. Bring fun back into the classroom!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Facebook and freedom of speech

        I found an article in The New York Times - "Facebook wrestles with Free Speech and civility".
        Facebook has become an open book into peoples lives. People provide everything to everyone. Their schedules, events, likes & dislikes, pictures, and opinions on different topics.
       This website allows people to voice their feelings on certain subjects. Some subjects are funny, some are stupid, and some are very serious. It doesn't matter what the topic is, it will offend someone. So where does Facebook draw the line on what people say is freedom of Speech? They have bullying, people threatening people, pornographic pictures, political discussions on race or religion, etc. How do they decide what to leave up and what to take down? 
       I feel that Facebook is a great way to advertise a product or business, and to stay in touch with friends and family that live far away. I have an account with Facebook, but I am not a big Facebook fan. I do not go crazy with it or get on it everyday. I just use it to keep in touch with friends and family.



       I have decided to go back to school after 20 + years. I started out slow, with just two classes. While flipping through the choices of professors, my mind is screaming in fear that I will choose the worst ones and have a bad starting experience back into college.
       Once i get started with my classes, I find that I made some pretty good choices without any input from other Lone Star students. I have one male professor and one female professor.
       I have labeled my math professor the "Knowledgable One". She is prompt with the class starting on time and you stay till she is finished. She has her spot in the class that she goes to. She has her same notebook and marker that she uses every time. She is loud even though the classroom is not that big. Do not talk in her class or she will let you know her irritation. She is approachable, but to a certain point. If you come to her after class about something you do not understand, she will explain it twice, then you are on your own. She does smile, laugh, and joke with the class, but only for a second, then it is back to business. I am impressed with her teaching skills. She shows the problems step by step and in different forms. This gives her students options to find out what works best for them.
       I have labeled my english professor "The Overwhelmer". He starts class before its scheduled time, making you feel like you are interrupting and then you are rushing to sit down, so that you can catch up. He schedules a lot of homework and projects. I know this is to better me as a student but I am overwhelmed with what is expected and trying to learn what he is teaching. Unlike Knowledgeable One, he is soft spoken, he walks around the room, and will approach his students. He is young and very hip with technology, pushing us to learn and use different areas when writing a paper. I guess this is why i also feel overwhelmed. I am not a computer person, I am older than he is, and have been taught old school ways.
       Both my professors are very like-able.  They both teach high school, then come to the college in the evening. It is obvious that they love to teach and enjoy what they do. I am very fortunate to have both of them as my first semester choices.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chick Flicks

          In the movie "13 Going On 30", with Mark Ruffalo & Jennifer Garner, the flick opens with Jennifer Garner (Jena) getting her school picture taken for Jr High. This is a dreaded event for her for two reasons: she is fighting be known by her real name and not the one the photographer keeps calling her, along with her self confidence. She wants to be known as one of the popular girls in school. Her best friend, Matt (who is in love with her and she does not know it), tries to convince her that she is real and not fake/phony like the popular chicks.     
          In the conclusion of this movie, it wraps up with the both of them as adults. They get married in the home she grew up in, fades to them moving into their new home, and ends with the both of them on a couch in the front yard of new home eating candy that they both loved & shared together as kids.

          In the movie "27 Dresses", with Katherine Heigl & Kevin Doyle, it opens with Jane as a little girl at a wedding. She finds herself taking the role of an adult, who has to take her little sister to the bathroom and fixes the brides torn dress. Loving this as a child, she finds herself helping out in all her friends weddings as an adult. Even going as far as doing a dress fitting for the bride. She finds herself always being a bridesmaid and never a bride.
          In the conclusion of this chick flick, she realizes that she is in love with a man that she has been constantly fighting with and not the one she has been longing to be with for years. It ends with her getting married on a beach with a long pier. On this pier, is all her 27 bridesmaids, each wearing the outfit that Jane had to wear at their wedding.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Smoking ban in Texas

To smoke or not to smoke? Actually the question should be...where are you allowed to smoke. The government is now deciding where we are allowed to smoke. I agree that there are some places that should be restricted from smoking, like hospitals. But not beaches, and especially bars. Smoking and drinking go together.              

I am a cigar smoker and I enjoy having a cigar with friends or by myself. Before the smoking ban, I was allowed to enjoy my smoke at any bar. Now I have to pick a place that has outside seating to accommodate smokers. So, if it is too cold or rainy outside, I have to find a place that has heat and cover. I feel this is just the start of the government telling us what we can and cannot do. Pretty soon they will be telling us we cannot even smoke at our own house, along with what we can or cannot do in other aspects of our lives.

Not only do I have to fight the government and the non smokers, but I also have to battle the cigarette smokers. Cigarette smokers amaze me with their reaction to my cigar smoke. We could be sitting side by side, both enjoying our smoke, when I get a wrinkled up facial expression and a comment about how my cigar stinks. Really? My cigar is 100% tobacco, where as, a cigarette is mainly chemicals and filler. I don't complain about the smell of cigarettes, so please don't complain about my cigar. Smokers need to stick together!

I just want to be able to relax and enjoy my cigar without getting wet, freezing to death, putting up with complaining cigarette smokers, or having someone tapping me on the shoulder telling me I can't smoke here.

JOSH BAUGH. "Differing studies cloud smoking-ban issue As San Antonio weighs
    stricter ordinance, its bars and restaurants look to Houston. " Houston Chronicle
    12 Jul 2010,Houston Chronicle, ProQuest. Web. 30 Jan. 2011.

"Smoking Bans." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File
    News Services, 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 30 Jan. 2011.